Top Pet Health Tips for Autumn

The approach of autumn brings changes to the weather and household routines, and some of these changes can be hazardous to pets. The following tips will help you keep your pet safe as we head into the fall season.

Check the Temp for Outdoor Pets

Temperatures can vary in autumn, from very hot to very cold, depending on where you live. Get in the habit of checking your forecast on a daily basis, and make accommodations for your pet accordingly. Have a safe, warm location for your pet to stay when it’s cold, and a safe, cool location when it’s very warm. Check bedding and food daily, and check water supplies multiple times per day to ensure that your pet has everything he or she needs.

Be Careful with Rodenticide

Autumn is a time when many homeowners protect against mouse and rat intrusion by putting out poisons. These substances are toxic to pets as well as rodents. In addition, clap traps can harm your pet just as easily as it can harm a mouse or a rat. Keeping traps like this out of your pet’s way is critical. To be on the safe side, hire a professional pest company that uses poisons kept in locked boxes. This way you can be sure that the pest poison you use won’t be ingested by your animal friend.

Prevent Ticks

Ticks are most commonly found on tall grasses and in organic debris. To guard against ticks, keep your lawn well maintained by raking up leaves and organic matter. Cut your grass until it stops growing in the winter. Ask your pet’s veterinarian to recommend a tick preventative, and have the vet check your pet for ticks at each visit. When your pet comes inside from a day of romping out in the great outdoors, feel your pet’s skin for small, hard lumps. If you find a tick, talk to your pet’s vet about Lyme disease to find out if your pet needs a medical assessment.

Stay Safe at Halloween

Halloween is a time of great fun for kids, but a time of danger for pets. Sugary candies, chocolate, Halloween costumes, and trick-or-treating can all be dangerous for animals if not properly managed by pet owners.

  • Keep Halloween candy away from pets.
  • Talk to your kids about the hazards of Halloween candy and why your pet can’t eat your tasty snacks.
  • Avoid pet costumes that can snag on shrubs and bushes.
  • Never put on a pet costume that can hinder your pet’s ability to see.
  • Keep your pet away from the front door if he or she dislikes visitors.
  • If taking your pet outside during trick or treating, keep your pet on a short leash.

Finally, be aware that costumes can cause stress for some pets. Avoid putting your pet into a costume unless you know that your pet feels relaxed and comfortable wearing a costume.

Put on Reflective Gear for Nighttime Walks

As the days get shorter, you may find yourself walking your pet after dark. If your pet will tolerate it, make your pet wear a reflective vest. To avoid accidents, keep your pet on a short leash while outside.

Join the National Animal Supplement Council

The National Animal Supplement Council is dedicated to the health and well being of horses, dogs and cats. Our mission is to set standards for quality products and promote animal wellness. To find out more and join our organization, visit our webpage!