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Quality is at the heart of everything we do.

Since 2001, the National Animal Supplement Council has helped to improve the lives of millions of animals given supplements by their caretakers. Our leadership and advocacy actions have helped NASC members attain the highest standards of quality and vigilance and have shaped and secured the future of an industry so many animals rely on to live healthier, happier lives.

Membership Tiers

Image for Primary Suppliers
Primary Suppliers
NASC Primary Supplier members supply the marketplace with finished animal health and nutritional supplements for dogs, cats and horses. Primary Suppliers that fulfill the requirements of the NASC Quality Audit are eligible to display the yellow NASC Quality Seal on their products and in marketing materials.
About Primary Suppliers
Image for Preferred Suppliers
Preferred Suppliers
The NASC Preferred Supplier program qualifies companies providing raw materials, manufacturing, lab testing, and other products and services. NASC Primary Suppliers can confidently source from them without additional vendor qualification. Preferred Suppliers may display the blue NASC Preferred Supplier logo in their marketing.
About Preferred Suppliers
Image for Regulators
The NASC Regulator membership is for employees of state and federal regulatory agencies whose job duties include overseeing animal health and nutritional supplements. It provides NASC resources designed to promote a deeper understanding of the regulatory landscape and foster collaboration that enhances the industry.
About Regulators
Image for Retailers
The NASC Retailer membership is for employees of pet stores, veterinary clinics, farm stores, supermarkets, general merchandise stores, and e-commerce retailers. It provides NASC resources that foster a deeper understanding of animal supplement labeling requirements and claims boundaries, and why the NASC Quality Seal is a credible and trusted mark of quality.
About Retailers

The NASC Quality Seal

Many pet owners today who experience the benefits of supplements want the same for their pets. When it comes to supplements, similar ingredients don’t always mean similar quality. A side-by-side label comparison won’t tell you where ingredients were sourced or whether the supplier has a quality assurance and product testing program in place.

That’s where the NASC Quality Seal comes in.

Look for the yellow Quality Seal on supplements for dogs, cats and horses to know you’re buying from responsible suppliers that pass a comprehensive third-party audit and maintain ongoing compliance with rigorous NASC quality requirements.

Companies must earn the NASC Quality Seal—it cannot be purchased.

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