Article: Fido Has it All Figured Out | Lessons Learned from Animal Supplements May be Useful to Those Seeking a Human CBD Supplement Pathway

Fido Has it All Figured Out: Lessons Learned from Animal Supplements May be Useful to Those Seeking a Human CBD Supplement Pathway

NASC president Bill Bookout was recently invited to contribute his perspective to an article by the Food and Drug Law Institute that explains the proactive approach the pet supplement industry has taken around hemp in the absence of a regulatory framework.

The article highlights NASC’s work on the hemp issue and the organization’s actions on drafting, approving and implementing its own criteria to ensure product quality and risk management, giving members a pathway to successful self regulation.

“We’ve been working on our internal hemp guidelines for quite some time. We did not want to wait for the legislature to craft a solution or for the lengthy administrative process through the FDA, which may or may not include animal products in the solution,” Bookout stated. “Our goal was to have firm guidelines in place as quickly as possible. We are very proud to have achieved our goal.”

Bookout was also quick to point out, “Without the help and input from the regulators, we would not have made the progress we have, which benefits everyone, especially the animals.”

The article, “Fido Has it All Figured Out: Lessons Learned from Animal Supplements May be Useful to Those Seeking a Human CBD Supplement Pathway,” may prove useful to those looking for a viable solution for bringing human CBD supplements to market in a climate where consumer demand for products has exploded but companies face an ongoing regulatory barrier to an approval pathway.