How to Keep Your Cat Safe This Fall

Fall is a time of beautiful colors, chilly weather and seasonal hazards. As a pet owner, it’s important to be aware of the various dangers that can injure your cat when fall begins. Keeping your cat safe at this beautiful time of year can help you and your cat enjoy the season.

Prepare an Indoor Space for Outdoor Cats

Outdoor pets can be at risk for hypothermia when the temperature drops. While cold spells are more common in winter, many areas of the country can also experience low temperatures in fall. If your cat lives outdoors, keep an eye on your local weather report. Give your cat somewhere that he or she can go when the temperatures drop.

If your cat is allowed to take shelter in your garage, keep that space cleaned and safe for your cat. Cleaning chemicals, engine coolant and other common items found in the garage can be toxic, so keep them locked away when your cat is present. Remember to provide your cat with bedding, food and water in his or her temporary housing.

Keep Allergies Under Control

Some cats experience allergies in fall. Persistent scratching, watery eyes, skin rashes, dry skin, ear irritation and other problems are all signs that your cat is experiencing this seasonal problem. If you notice that your pet is having problems, take him or her to the veterinarian for a check up.

Protect from Rodenticides

Many homeowners use rodenticides in fall to prevent mice and rats from invading their home. Unfortunately, the same poison that kills rats can also harm your cat. Keep rodenticides inside metal bait houses to avoid exposing your cat, or use glue traps to catch pests on your property.

Be Aware of Holiday Hazards

Halloween and Thanksgiving can be a time of many hazards for cats. Some dangers to watch out for include:

  • Halloween candy. Sugary candy is bad for pets, and chocolate can even be toxic. Keep your Halloween candy up and away from your cat. If you have children, instruct them not feed their candy to your cat, and remind them to keep their Halloween candy in a location that your cat can’t reach.
  • People food at Thanksgiving. There are many types of people food that are not safe for cats, including onions, leeks, garlic, baker’s chocolate and meat with bones. If you’d like to feed your cat a special holiday treat at Thanksgiving, consider getting your cat a commercially prepared cat feast, or talk to your pet’s veterinarian about homemade foods that your pet can consume safely.
  • Presence of strangers. Holidays are a time when family and friends come to visit. If your cat likes his or her alone time, this can cause your cat stress or anxiety. Make sure that your cat has a place to go that’s away from visitors and noise. If possible, keep your pet’s bed in a room that’s off limits to visitors.
  • Holiday lights and decorations. Holiday lights are shiny and enticing for playful cats, but playing with string lights and decorations can lead to very serious injuries. Keep your holiday decorations up and away from your cat at all times.

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