This Primary Supplier has been personally interviewed by NASC to ensure they understand membership requirements, as well as the quality standards they must uphold. They have also passed a rigorous independent audit of their facilities, earning them permission to display the Quality Seal, which demonstrates to consumers their commitment to the highest standards of quality in the industry.

About Hilton Herbs, Ltd.
Hilton Herbs is the only UK company manufacturing herbal and natural healthcare products for animals that can claim to have all its products formulated by a qualified Medical Herbalist.
Hilton Herbs continues to develop its product range, thanks to the undying enthusiasm of both the founders and the great team of people who work for them. It is amazing to think a company that started life 24 years ago as the vision of two individuals has grown into an established business, providing herbal and natural healthcare products for horses, dogs, poultry, racing pigeons and birds, not only to customers in the UK but also to over 40 countries worldwide!
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