The Preferred Supplier program is about quality and confidence in the supply chain from start to finish. In order to display the Preferred Supplier seal, participating companies satisfy stringent acceptance criteria each year to ensure ongoing compliance. If they are a Preferred Supplier, you can trust they’ve taken the critical steps necessary to display the seal.

About Cyanotech
Cyanotech Corporation was founded in 1983 by Dr. Gerald Cysewski, PhD. Dr. Cysewski had been growing spirulina as an experiment in his garage. He recognized the opportunity to produce a higher quality and cleaner spirulina than the spirulina beginning to be imported into the US health food market. He also quickly realized that spirulina had great potential to flourish on a larger scale in a carefully controlled production environment. Today, Cyanotech Corporation is one of the world’s leading producers of microalgae for human dietary supplements. Our 96-acre facility on the Kona Coast of the island of Hawaii provides several benefits. We selected the Keahole Point location in order to take advantage of relatively consistent warm temperatures, sunshine and low levels of rainfall needed for optimal cultivation of microalgae. This location also offers us access to lava filtered Hawaiian aquifer water, which is used in all our culture ponds as well as cold deep ocean water, drawn from an offshore depth of 2,000 feet, which we use in our Ocean-Chill Drying system to eliminate the oxidative damage caused by standard drying techniques and as a source of trace nutrients for microalgal cultures. The area is also designated a Biosecure Zone, with tight control of organisms allowed into the area and free of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s). We believe that our technology, systems, processes and favorable growing location generally permit year-round harvest of our microalgal products in a cost-effective manner. Hawaiian Spirulina® Pacifica® and BioAstin® Hawaiian Astaxanthin® are available for bulk raw material sales worldwide.
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