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Green Jeeva Idaho

NASC Responds to Idaho Dept. of Agriculture Targeting Hemp Products

From: Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA)
To: Animal Feed Retailers, Manufacturers, and Distributors
Date: July 20, 2022
Re: Hemp Products in Animal Feed & Remedies
“…Effective November 1, 2022, ISDA will be inspecting for hemp and hemp-derived animal feeds and remedies. These products are not legal in Idaho, and if found on or after November 1, 2022, will be subject to a stop sale and further action from the department.”

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Committed to

Quality is the focus of everything we do. The National Animal Supplement Council is a nonprofit trade association whose mission is to promote the health and wellbeing of companion animals and horses given animal health supplements by their owners, and to protect and enhance the animal health supplement industry.

Committed to

Quality is the focus of everything we do. The National Animal Supplement Council is a nonprofit trade association whose mission is to promote the health and wellbeing of companion animals and horses given animal health supplements by their owners, and to protect and enhance the animal health supplement industry.

Committed to

Quality is the focus of everything we do. The National Animal Supplement Council is a nonprofit trade association whose mission is to promote the health and wellbeing of companion animals and horses given animal health supplements by their owners, and to protect and enhance the animal health supplement industry.

The NASC Quality Seal

Many pet owners today find they benefit from taking supplements and want their companion animals to experience these benefits as well. But when it comes to supplements, similar ingredients do not always mean similar quality. A side-by-side label comparison won’t tell you where ingredients were sourced or whether the supplier has a quality assurance and product testing program in place.

That’s where the NASC Quality Seal comes in.

Look for the yellow Quality Seal on supplements for dogs, cats and horses to know you’re buying from responsible suppliers that have successfully passed a comprehensive third-party audit and maintain ongoing compliance with rigorous NASC quality requirements.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!